Human capital, also known as human resource, is the financial figure or economic value on the skills, qualities, and knowledge of employees, which will always be an integral part of an organization that influences productivity. It’s a base that recognizes the intangible assets and qualities that improve worker performance and benefit the economy and ensures top management and employees co-exist in an organizational environment that outcome in the success of all stakeholders.

An increasing number of studies have shown to date that one of the most useful contributions of Human capital to date is the link between HR and business strategy. Linking your business plan with HRM creates opportunities to gain a strong competitive advantage in the marketplace. It involves managing the most complex processes in an organization as they cater as a go-between the top management and the work power. These involve management, training, orientation, and development, recruitment, employee benefits, promotion, compensation, financial planning, and worker relations but none of these matters of fact if you don’t know how to boost the potential of your work power efficiently. The core areas that a start-up organization needs to prioritize are training, recruitment, and development.

At Swizz Global Consult, the use of the terms AttractRetain, and Develop top talents implies training and recruitment/development. These two focuses, if done according to an organization’s goal, will harshly decrease the costs and will generate potential growths on investment.

Talent acquisition refers to strategy practices that result in skilled workers meeting your organizational needs. It involves the process of identifying, acquiring, assessing, and hiring candidates to fill open positions within a company with professional skill sets like sourcing strategies, candidate assessment, compliance and hiring standards, and fluency in branding practices and hiring initiatives.

The role of human capital or human resources is to identify potential resources that meet cherished qualifications and to ensure that the selecting process is done in congruence with an organization’s mission and vision. There’s no best way to get this but through candidate/staff assessments. The significance of staff evaluations and assessments play an essential role in the success of an organization in recruitment. For one, it’s used to determine if an applicant applying for a particular position is well qualified to fulfill the job responsibilities.

Skill development advisory refers to developing strategies to increase learning, skills building, and knowledge sharing with a solid background in assessing training needs and skills gaps, developing and overseeing training/educational programs, guiding technical and vocational reform, supporting and overseeing business initiatives, and designing and implementing capacity building activities targeted at propelling businesses and competitive advantage.

Human Capital Development or Human Resources ensures returns of investment. Employee evaluations are also used to identify a career way to maximize feasibility. It also aims to determine areas where employees can boost, so they can be proficient to deliver sufficient results. This can determine your initial decision in the selection process ensuring that the applicant is still proficient and is frequently adding value to an organization. With prudent and expedient improvement and consistency always in operational matters.

In today’s era, we are aware of how important it’s to cut expenses on overhead costs and the perfect way to do so is to outsource your HC or HR management requirements such as employee evaluation and employee assessments to assist in human capital proficiency.

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